Friday, February 4, 2011

#136 -Get Wisdom, Get Understanding.

Good morning! Hope you are blessed on this rainy day! It's going to be a great day! Growth, productivity, walking out the calling God has placed on (your) our lives! God is good! Let's jump in the word. 
Proverbs 4:7-8, 10 - The beginning of Wisdom is: get Wisdom (skillful and godly Wisdom)! [For skillful and godly Wisdom is the principal thing.] And with all you have gotten, get understanding (discernment, comprehension, and interpretation).
    8 Prize Wisdom highly and exalt her, and she will exalt and promote you; she will bring you to honor when you embrace her.
    10 Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings, and the years of your life shall be many.
I'm just going to talk through this. It was extremely good when I read it (still is extremely good)... and though I've read Proverbs 4 month in and month out for a long time now, I'm still getting more out of the Word. The Word is STILL alive and active! The Word still has the ability to penetrate and change me, and will change you too if you let it!

Get Wisdom. Seek out wisdom. Ask for it. Ask for your eyes to be revealed to the wisdom in the situation you are in right now. Ask for the blinders to be removed so that the Wisdom that you need to see can be revealed. As you have received wisdom, get understanding. When we embrace Wisdom, she will THEN exalt, promote & bring honor to you. 

What's the process? (1) Get Wisdom! - Where does Wisdom come from? How do you get it? Wisdom comes from the Holy Spirit. Not the "World's Wisdom", but "GOD's Wisdom!" A wisdom that may not be able to be seen with the obvious. But, when it is sought out like seeking out hidden treasure (Proverbs 2:4), your eyes will be opened to the Wisdom that you are seeking. - How do you PRIZE Wisdom? How do you exalt her? You make her "opinion" of the utmost important, above any others opinion. Once you have sought Wisdom and received Wisdom you can move to the next step. 
(2) Get Understanding! - You've got part of what you need. Now it's finishing up the equation. Answering the "Why." Understanding allows you to see the full picture. Getting "Understanding" allows you to see things not just that are in the natural, that seem obvious, but getting understanding allows you to SEE with spiritual eyes the WHY. Why your situation is the way it is. Why you need to do such & such with this person. Getting understanding allows you to DISCERN what a person needs without THEM telling you. Getting understanding allows you to DISCERN something you could not see with the eye, but you just KNOW without doubt the next step. Understanding allows you EYES to SEE what most can not. Getting understanding, acquiring this discernment allows YOU an upper advantage that most do not have. You know what only Wisdom could show you. You see on a new level. 

The rest of the story? Hear & RECEIVE! Don't just HEAR, but RECEIVE. Hear. Then dig deeper. Listen, but then look deeper. What is being said BEHIND the WORDS, what is the message to you? Whether that be a speaker speaking on a CD, whether that be words from a book, words from the Bible.... see what the words are, but allow your mind to DIG deeper into it. What is the message behind the message that is for YOU? HEAR the message & RECEIVE specifically what YOU NEED out of it. HEAR & RECEIVE!

As you GET Wisdom and GET Understanding, WATCH as She will PROMOTE you! WATCH Her do Her, because God's word DOES NOT LIE. It says GET WISDOM, GET UNDERSTANDING and SHE WILL PROMOTE YOU! 

1 comment:

jburton said...

YOU are getting Wisdom and Understanding everyday. Love it when you pass it on...keep it up!

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