Thursday, April 3, 2014

Your Christian Friends, "The Joneses"

2 Cor. 10:12b - … but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
We've all heard about the Jones family. At one time or another, Christian or not Christian, we have probably been tempted to compare ourselves to The Joneses. Most commonly in the world it's categorized as "Keeping up with The Joneses."   People often compare when The Joneses get a new car or new house, new shoes, new purse, new swing set for the kids or new go-cart for their kids, new this, new that, the list goes on.

Just because we're Christians, it doesn't mean we are exempt from "The Joneses" syndrome. Although, most recently, I've noticed that we may not always be comparing material things but comparing significance, comparing assignments. "Well she is doing 'this' for the Kingdom of God." Or, "Their family is going on a mission trip." "He is writing a book." "She launched a ministry." As believers, we may find ourselves looking at our own life and the calling on our life, feeling insignificant in where we are at or dissatisfied, then we compare to another believer who just did something great. We may have thoughts like, "They seem to have it all together, while I'm doing the monotonous day-to-day things around my house."

Just this week, I came across the verse in 2 Corinthians. Verse twelve of chapter 10 really is specific about this whole topic of "comparing." But they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 

Friend, I have been guilty of it too! Finding myself looking at "the calling" or "the assignment" some of my friends or family may have, then comparing myself to them, or even feeling contempt towards them. Looking at what they are doing and thinking it looks much greater than what I am doing. Feeling jealous or discouraged. Well, isn't it interesting, that is when the Holy Spirit comes and gives us a nice little reminder. Here's what he had told me…
You have YOUR OWN assignment. Don't focus on what others are doing. Focus on what GOD has called YOU to do. YOUR assignment!!
Each person has a different assignment. If we were ALL The Joneses, we would be without many parts to the body of Christ. If we focus on other peoples assignment and not our own, we are missing the strength zone that God has called US to operate in! If we are trying to operate in someone else's gifting, and not our own, we will most assuredly come up short! YOU are the only one who can complete your assignment! Next time that Christian couple in your Bible study does something great for the Kingdom, instead of coveting their seeming "significance" in the Kingdom rejoice with them that they are doing their part of the group project! Get before the Lord in prayer and determine, "What is my assignment? What am I suppose to be doing for the Kingdom on a daily basis?" Then put on your blinders! Applaud your friends, but let's not compare! It leaves us frustrated and discouraged.


Unknown said...

That's awesome, Amy. We can get caught doing that in every aspect of our lives. I think when we really understand how dependant we are on Jesus and not on our own strength the easier this becomes. Then it is no longer a competition but spurring each other on towards the goal. I really appreciate you sharing this insight.

Amy Veno said...

Love this post Amy! I appreciate you my friend!

Amy J. McCart said...

Thanks Abby!!

Amy J. McCart said...

Thanks Amy! Excited to see u next week too!!

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