Thursday, June 13, 2013


Habakkuk 2:3 - For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.
Galatians 6:9 - And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.
Have you been trudging along towards your goal? Some days almost painfully. Waiting, hoping, praying, pleading, desiring with your whole being for the time to come when the appointed day has arrived?! Has it seemed like an eternity in the pursuit of your dream, your goal a reality, but you are ready for the goal to not just be a goal anymore, but an accomplishment!

Friend, this morning, I hope to breath hope back into your soul. If you're growing tired, I hope that The Word this morning can provide a new joy and expectation to you!

It was five years ago, I was working in banking as a Merchant Sales Rep. Every day was a day to chase the next deal, call the next prospective client, email the next Business Services Officer with an update on their latest referral. Though each day was a race to achieve my monthly sales goals, the days became mundane. The alarm clock would ring in the morning and I would just pull the covers up over my head. I desired to do anything but go to work. Upon waking, I would go to the bathroom and think, "Maybe I'll be pregnant. Then maybe I can get out of this job?" Don't get me wrong, it was actually a really good job. I enjoyed the sales aspect of it, and I enjoyed performing, but I was ready to be done.

I remember being out running in the afternoon. I would have my iPod with me, and as I would leave our 800 square foot, 2 bedroom apartment, I would hit the pavement to run around the lake. About half way into my run, I would hit this spot on the lake where I could walk down to the water and the trees shaded me. The song, "I AM FREE" off the iWorship, Promise Keepers CD would come on.  I would stand on the shore of the lake, my headphones on with no houses too close, eyes closed, I would lift my arms up high in the air and with all that I had I began to belt the words out,  "I am free to run! I am free to run! I am free to dance! I am free to dance! I am free to live for you! I am free to live for you! I am free! I am freeeeeee!!!!" 

I longed to be free. I longed for freedom with such intensity. Tyler Jr was so real to me, though I hadn't yet laid eyes on his face. I knew him, though we had not yet met. I thought about him.

That was 5 years ago. Now for over 3 1/2 years I have been resigned from Corporate America and a stay at home mom! During those runs, during the time of crying out, I had NO idea that my appointed time had almost arrived. I was RIGHT UPON my appointed time. Literally 18 months away, I entered into my appointed time.

Just like Jeremiah talks about how God knew us BEFORE we were even in our mothers womb! YOU were appointed a specific time to be born. Just like YOU were appointed the EXACT time of your birth, YOUR DREAM has been given an EXACT appointed time of its fruition! There is an appointed time, an appointed DAY, a due time and an appointed SEASON!  God HAS NOT forgotten about your goal! God has NOT forgotten about your dream. God is LINING everything up for you so that your APPOINTED DAY will be a glorious one! A day of rejoicing! Not just ONE day either! BUT, so that your appointed day can bring joy that will spring forward into the NEXT appointed season of your life!

FRIEND, your job? What is your job? Do NOT give up! Do not lose heart about your goal! It may seem like it has been taking forever.... but friend, I look back on my runs around the lake.... and all I can think about was that it seemed like an eternity ago. I have enjoyed 3 1/2+ years of being a FREE MAMA! And I LOVE IT! Your APPOINTED DAY could be TODAY! It could be TOMORROW! Your job? Do not grow weary! Work with diligence. Work with joy. Do not allow frustration to hold you down. Frustration is from the enemy. Have FAITH that GOD IS! God IS working everything out for you and YOU WILL NOT MISS IT! He has DESIGNED you for greatness! He has designed you with a PURPOSE! He has placed desires in your heart and HE WILL HELP YOU to FULFILL them!

Friend... today, don't grow weary, but pursue on in PEACE. Pursue on KNOWING that GOD has an appointed time for you. And TODAY could be the day you meet the person God has been preparing for you that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

Stay steady. Stay on the path. Continue to SEEK the Lord FIRST. Your appointed time WILL SURELY COME! Now that is a promise to SHOUT about!!!

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