Friday, June 17, 2011

#195 - She Laughs!

Good morning! It's a beautiful day in Columbia! I had a nice, relaxing day yesterday. What a blessing. Let's going ahead and jump into some Word this morning!
Proverbs 17:22 - A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. 
Proverbs 31:25 (NLT) - She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.
I decided to read Proverbs 31 today in the New Living Translation just for a little bit different of a perspective.  I came to "she laughs" and just felt drawn to it. She laughs. She laughs. She, this woman has the ability to enjoy life. She laughs. Carefree. Without fear. She laughs.

I just think of the days I've had when I haven't laughed. The days where maybe I've cried. Everything has mounted up, I maybe was taking on the cares of the world, trying to figure out God or... in some cases, play God. I remember days when I have not laughed. Days when I have not been "carefree." Those have not been fun days.

I remember watching a program that featured someone who was healed of cancer. They took Proverbs 17:22 to heart. In their spare time they just watched comedy programs. They rented movies that made them laugh. They watched comedians. They spent their days just laughing! Laughing and laughing! What good medicine!

Laughter. The ability to heal. Heal a broken heart, heal frustration of yet to be reached goals, heal unanswered questions, to heal the unknown. In today's busyness, sometimes we forget to laugh. Sometimes we are to wrapped up in life that laughter does not come automatically. I am going to recommend that today you find a way to laugh. Look up jokes online. Watch a funny movie. Get on the floor with your child and have a tickling war. Find a way today to laugh. I know I could use it.

Speaking of laughter... Tyler Junior went to bed late last night because we had dinner with some friends. He is just now waking up. As I turned up the baby monitor, this is what I heard: "Mama, mama, mommy. Amy. Amy. Amy. Amy." Lol! He has heard daddy calling me "Amy"... so sometimes he will repeat my name over and over. He's done that recently in a store, he just said, "Amy! Amy! Amy!" I can't help but laugh. I'm Mommy & Amy! :) What a fun age!

Well.... go have a good laugh today!

Be Blessed!

1 comment:

Marissa said...

One of my absolute favorite verses!! Tyler J is so cute :)

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