Tuesday, August 9, 2011

#215 - The Ultimate Game

Proverbs 9:3,6 - She has sent out her maids to cry from the highest places of the town...Leave off, simple ones [forsake the foolish and simpleminded] and live! And walk in the way of insight and understanding.
Proverbs 31:15 - She rises while it is yet night and gets [spiritual] food for her household and assigns her maids their tasks.
Life is busy. Would you say these would be some of the priorities you deal with? Job, kids, family, cleaning the house, owning a business, doing laundry, cooking, working to have a consistent quiet time, working out, reading maybe some self-improvement books, trying to stay organized, keeping the bedroom picked up and clothes in their place, spending quality time with your spouse.... and then maybe even some down time for you. With all the priorities we already have, is there really room for anything else?

I looked at Proverbs 9 this morning and noticed that it is talking about "Wisdom" here. Wisdom is sending out maids to help guide people to insight and understanding. Wisdom is trying to steer the foolish, those who may be on the wrong path. She is trying to steer them to the path of LIFE. Wisdom wants them to live. We know that our Proverbs 31 friend walks in wisdom as well, and she also has maids. As a Proverbs 31 woman, do we have more of a responsibility? As a Christian, with our long list of things that occupy our time, do we have more of a responsibility? We are reminded of this responsibility also in Matthew 28:19, where it tells us to "GO and make disciples!" Here we see Wisdom doing that very thing, leading people to insight & understanding (which ultimately is Jesus.)

I would anticipate that our Proverbs 31 friend does the same as Wisdom. Being on her game to share the gospel. Being on her game to step out in boldness and ask the tough questions. Being on her game to steer others to the path that leads to life. Sometimes it is as simple as one question, "Do you know Jesus? Do you know what he did for you?"

To be on point. To play in the "The Ultimate Game," the game of leading people to the truth, leading people to life.

As we go about our productive, daily lives... today, is there anyone in your path that may not know Jesus? Could YOU be the one to ask them the question that may very well change their life? Change their eternity?


Check out the video in yesterday's post! 
Jesus did all of that for YOU, me & the person who needs to know Him. 

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