Thursday, July 29, 2010

#42 - Poor, Needy or lazy?

Good morning! So... here I sit, the boy is still sleeping. He hasn’t even woke up for his bottle yet! It’s 10:10! The boy and I yesterday had a bit of a rough day. We have overcome some symptoms and are healed in Jesus name! But, needless to say, when your body is fighting something, it seems like you may tend to be more tired than normal. We praise God that we are HEALED in Jesus Name! We stand on God’s Word and it promises that BY JESUS STRIPES WE ARE/WERE HEALED! Since that is the case, we come into agreement with the Word! We call our body 100%! Whole! Healthy! Complete! Working properly how God created it to function! Amen? AMEN! 
While I wait on my boy to get up, I am enjoying Kahve cup of coffee #2. Yum! Don’t forget the sugar free hazelnut until it is the nice shade of blonde! :) For real, one day when I grow up, maybe I’ll appreciate just drinking coffee black, I guess until then I will just enjoy the sweet goodness of my cream with coffee! :) 
Internet is still not working. They can’t come out until Monday... or we have to go to the Time Warner store to get a new “cable box”. We may do that today.... so what that means is when this blog is finished, I’ll have to go to a Wi-Fi spot to submit it! Out of all the networks around where I live... about 15, all of them are blocked for a password. I suppose I could ask my neighbor for theirs. We’ll see. 
Let’s get rolling this morning. 
Proverbs 29:7 - The consistently righteous man knows & cares for the rights of the poor, but the wicked man has no interest in such knowledge. 
Proverbs 31:20 - She opens her hand to the poor, yes, she reaches out her filled hands to the needy (whether in body, mind or spirit).
All right. Put down your rocks. Put away your stones. Put down your gavel & take off your robes. I’m going to be transparent here. So, as I was reading Proverbs 29:7...I read it, then I read it again. As I skimmed over the part that says “cares for the rights of the poor”, I literally thought... “Let’s just move on from this! I don’t believe in just giving people a handout. I hate it when people are just lazy and expect everything to be given to them.”  As I just about started to continue to read, I STOPPED IN MY TRACKS. I thought, WAIT! It says this in the WORD. I need to take note of what this is talking about. Regardless of my beliefs and my current “greatest pet peeves”... I need to make sure ALL my beliefs line up with the Word, and IF they don’t line up with the Word, I need to RE-ALIGN my beliefs. 
When I asked about this topic to the Holy Spirit, He said that it definitely would take some study. My first instinct said, “Ok, let’s see what ‘politics’ has to say about the poor. Let’s see what the ‘law’ has to say about it. What’s my responsibility or what ‘should’ I believe?” And then I was quickly corrected again. So, the Holy Spirit continued with me, “NO! Don’t see what politics or the law says about the poor, look first to where you SHOULD look! Look to the Word! What does the WORD say about this subject. The ‘law’ should line up with this. Who you follow in politics should have beliefs that line up with MY Beliefs!” 

My knowledge on the subject is a limited, and I’m sure many of you may know more or may have studied more on the subject. But as I have briefly looked up a few things & in my limited study, here are a few things that I have found. With more study, I’m sure we could find MUCH more on this topic! 
  • 2 Thessalonians 3:10 - For while we were yet with you, we gave you this rule and charge: If anyone will not work, neither let him eat. 
  • James 1:27 (KJV & AMP) - Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this: To visit and help and care for the orphans and widows in their affliction and need, and to keep oneself unspotted and uncontaminated from the world. 

In the realm of “government handout”... I believe if people are able to and can work, they need too. I could really get onto a soapbox about this subject, but I won’t, today. But praise the Lord for scripture, it does back up my belief of the importance of working. If you don’t work, you don’t eat. I believe that their is a difference between the POOR, those in NEED and the LAZY. I believe that 2 Thessalonians is talking directly about the lazy. Those people who are able to work, but will not. Those people who just want to “ride off the coat tails of others”. Those people who just do not want to work. Even despite the economic times, there is not a shortage of jobs. I have a friend who works for a staffing agency. He says that the problem lies not with lack of jobs or lack of employment opportunities, but with people being placed in jobs and then do not show up. It’s not that they are not capable, but it is that they do not want to work. They just don’t show. Or a status level gets in the way and people may think, “I am above that job. What would people think?” I know an engineer who lost his job, and just to put food on the table for his family until he could get another job, he delivered pizza’s. 
This is a Word for me today, for sure. The Proverbs 31 woman opens her hands to the poor & needy. Then James talks about VISITING, HELPING & CARING for orphans & widows. To many of us, this may be something where we have gotten “too busy for.” I have two grandmothers who are widows. What a great reminder that we are given a charge to visit them. To help & care for them. 
So.... today.... what can you do to help the needy? An orphan? A widow? Imagine having lost your loved ones... a widow loosing their spouse. An orphan loosing their parents. :( It is sad. What joy a “visit” could bring. What a blessing dropping a check in the mail could bring. Helping in whatever way you can. 
My grandma lives about 800 miles away... but, I just pulled out a card to drop a note in the mail. 

Can you do something small today? A card? A visit? Money? A call? An act of love? 

What can you do? Do something today. 

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